I was thinking for a long time whether I should do it… but I decided that I was just tired of “playing” with my eyebrows every day with shadows and pencils 😊 I read a lot, I was looking for information about procedures, after all it is a part of the face, not some other place you can hide 😂 and I chose Gitana, a specialist in her field with a capital letter, a warm and nice person. I don’t regret a single day, not a single euro spent, every morning I get up and look at my perfect eyebrows in the mirror! And I’m already enjoying my natural-looking lips contour. As I like to say, life is made up of little things, and it is these little things, done by Gitana’s meticulous hand, that allow me to save a lot of time not spending every day in front of the mirror, to get out of the house in just a few minutes, and to feel beautiful and attractive wherever I go, both at night and day, and on holiday without make-up. I am extremely grateful for this feeling to Gitana and her amazing team! 👍🏻